Worship in-person at our 10:15am Sunday services or catch our livestream
We're so glad that you decided to visit our website. We want to give you a glimpse into who we are and answer some of your questions.
Who are you?
We are people from all walks of life who have been touched by God's grace. We are a welcoming and safe place where you will hear God's truth applied to the real issues of life.
We are a multi-generational group who express our worship of God in ways that are new and fresh.
We preach the gospel message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
What are you all about?
We are committed to our own growth, helping each other, and to making a difference in our community. We are all about strengthening families and building healthy relationships.
See our prayerfully and carefully constructed Vision.
What does GBC believe doctrinally?
We have built our church on the Scriptures that have stood the test for 2000 years. We stand on a solid foundation that has proven true for each one of us. See our Belief Statement.
What COVID-19 guidelines are you following?
Masks are required for all people, regardless of vaccination, when in the church.
Do you have stuff going on during the week?
Yes! Check out Growth Groups for adults at this page.
Also, check out what is happening under children and youth.
When I visit will you make me provide all my personal information?
No, but we’d love to know you visited one of our services and send you a welcome email. There’s a Contact Form that you can fill out. At that page you can also request more information or submit prayer requests.
What should I wear to church on Sunday morning?
Whatever is comfortable: T-shirt and jeans, a suit or a dress...we're not particular. Come as you are and you'll fit right in.
What should I expect when I visit in person?
At 10:15 we begin worshiping God in prayer, songs, a sermon, testimonies, and giving. We are casual, friendly, welcoming, and enthusiastic. We recognize that we are all needy, imperfect people, so we don't expect visitors or members to have it all together.
You can be assured that you will be greeted warmly and genuinely cared about.
What if I don't have a Bible?
You don’t need to bring a Bible. You can download Bible App or Bible Gateway. We normally use the NIV (New International Version), but many of us also love the New Living Translation. And if you prefer a paper Bible, contact us and we’ll get one to you.
When I arrive, where do I go?
Our parking lot has spaces reserved for newcomers. See the map below. Please enter through the South doors. A greeter would love to help you with any of your questions.
I have a different question. Who can I contact?
You can leave a voicemail at 630-832-8416 or you can use the Contact Us page.
Our Programs
Programs for Children
Grace Bible Church has many opportunities for children and youth of all ages. For many years we have served children in the community with an active Awana program, and a week-long summer day camp, VBS. On Sundays, we provide caring, safe nurseries, children's Sunday school and children's church.
Roxanne Evans
Programs for Adults
GBC Adult Ministries exist to equip followers of Jesus Christ to grow in knowledge and application of God’s Word and to serve others, through Growth Groups, EQUIP Elective studies, and Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies. Our Growth Groups ministries include teaching and discussion of God's Word and relevant topics, fellowship, prayer, and caring for one another. Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or throughout the week. You are invited to join us!
Darla Oksnevad
Prayer Team
We are a family that is committed to praying for each other, especially in times of need. We will pray for you over the phone if you call the church office, and at your request we will mobilize our prayer team members or the full membership base to bring your concerns before the Lord. We serve a God who knows, understands, and cares, and who is the Great Physician, the one who comes alongside to comfort those in trouble.
Care Team
We are people who put their love into action and we do that in many ways. Our Care Team visits those in the hospital or those who are shut in, and they will serve communion outside the church when requested. "Grace Kitchen" provides soup and meals for new parents, or others in need.
We would love to have you visit
Location: 398 W Eggleston Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Phone: 630.832.8416
Email: office@gbcelm.org
Sunday Service: 10:15am